Saturday, December 4, 2010


Xinchao! If you are wondering what this means, it means Hello! in Vietnamese. While I suppress my excitement in moving on to show you this beautiful country, allow me to first tell you why I have chosen Vietnam. Vietnam is the latest country that I have been to just about two months ago and I was totally fascinated by the place. Almost everything is novel to me, like how there is almost no traffic lights, how Vietnamese love to sit by the roadside, and how much you can bargain from the vendors!

Breakfast at roadside
Speaking of the vendors, from what I have seen, life is tough in Vietnam. ‘Help me, please’, some would say. So, if you are in Vietnam, do help them!

Binh Than Night Market 
Ho Chi Minh City

Now, let me give you a brief introduction to Vietnam.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam
This is the famous S-shaped Vietnam, with the capital Hanoi in the north and Ho Chi Min City, which is often mistaken for the capital, in the south. As of 2009, the population of the country is about 85.8 million and there are a total of 54 ethnic groups. The official language is Vietnamese and some major religions are Buddhism, Taoism and Catholicism.

As for the history, Vietnam was once conquered by the armies of China's Han Dynasty for about a thousand years until the Vietnamese were able to expel the Chinese in 939 AD. However, in 1884, Vietnam fell to French colonial rule after fierce resistance. Japan stepped in and took charge in March 1945 but surrendered soon after. On the 2nd of September 1945, Vietnam gained independence. (Visit Mekong, 2010)

Due to this, Vietnam has a heavy influence of Chinese and especially French. French buildings are still visible today and some elderly can still remember the language as it was necessary for them to learn French when Vietnam was under their rule.

Lastly, these are the things that I will be touching on:

1. The Cultures of Vietnam
2. The Traditions of Vietnam
3. The Indigenous Groups
4. Languages
5. Mode of Education
6. Leisure Programmes
7. What is Vietnam Known For?
8. Disneyization and Disneyfication in the Modern Society of Vietnam
9. Changes Brought By the Growth of Tourism
10. Is Tourism the Culprit in Commodiying Cultures and Traditions?

With this, let's move on to Cultures!

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